zondag 22 juni 2014

Who knows where time goes

I was in Holland for a few days. There, I saw 2 swans in a field. Nothing too special but I like the photo.

There was also a cow, she wanted to stay anonymous.

I suspected for many years now cows can teleport, but only do it when there's no people around. After lying hidden in the grass and weeds for 7 hours, I finaly managed to get a picture right before they vanished to a different spot in the field.

Here's a challenge. Can you figure out on what side the reflection in the water is in under 5 minutes?

Right, let's move on to moving imagery. I filmed some scenes and sped up the recordings out of curiousity for what effect that might give. Looking back I'm constantly thinking: "Argh, I should have filmed from a different angle!" or "Hmm, maybe I should try to film this or that!". While doing this you always think of other things to film, so I'll probably make an other one sometime. It may look a bit rough and unfinished, but my editing program was giving me troubles again and was tired of it. You can also see the limitations of my camera in the dark lightning scenes, but whatever, you can look at it just below.

Video: Timelapse

Music time. I mixed a bit of Penguin Cafe Orchestra and Nina Simone together, and also their pictures! Yes, it can't get crazier then this. When you hear her talking through the Penguin sound, it makes for a special effect I think. What a coincidence that the song is titled Who Knows Where Times Goes! Bonus song is a live recording of the poppy Living In A Small Town by Zervas & Pepper.

And now just shut up and enjoy:

maandag 2 juni 2014

Dropping Granny

Last time I posted some experimental pictures. Here are some more that belong in the series I call "Smokelines". You will never guess how these where made.

And the next one I posted already a while ago on this blog, but I turned it horizontaly, and to me, it works even better that way, or maybe that's just me.

Of course, we all know why you are here, to have the question answered everybody has on their mind. Who has won the big Dropping Gems 10th comment competition?! 

As expected, it was an overwhelming succes and fans from all over the world did their best to let themselves be heard, but as you knew from the beginning, there can only be one winner. You can look back at the comments on the previous blogpost and look for yourself, though it wouldn't get you a name as the winner replied anonymous. But as you expect, I found a way to reveal the identity of the already legendary poster.

Ok, I will not keep you in tension. The winner is...........................Rosalieke!!!

Rosalieke happens to be from belgium and I managed to speak with her through chat. Even more, she gave me permission to snag a picture from her webcam so the world can see the first Dropping Gems contest winner.


I also did a small interview with her that you can read below, I will name myself DG.

DG: Hello Rosalieke, congratulations on winning the first Dropping Gems contest!! How are you?

Rosalieke: Wh-Who are you??

DG: It's me from Dropping Gems, you know, from the blog you commented on.

Rosalieke: B-Blog? What are you talking about? I don't know of a blog.

DG: It was you right, the one who posted the special comment about eggs and jam?

Rosalieke: My groceries list? How did you get that? 

DG: Uhm, you poste...

Rosalieke: Are you a virus? Is this because I clicked on those youtube ads?

DG: No no, I am a real person. I am chatting with you because....

Rosalieke: In our days we didn't get all those ads. Of course, we did get some in the mail sometimes. Mostly from the bakery two streets further. We didn't read them because we bought our bread there anyway as it was the closest to our house. We saved them and burned them in the stove. It could get really cold in the winter. I remember the canal had frozen over once. All the kids went playing on the ice. Me and my sister walked over the ice to my uncles house. I saw they even drove cars over it. At the end of winter that was getting really dangerous, but it was the shortest route so people tried it as long as they could. The Cuypers brothers fell through the ice that way, with car and everything. It took the fire brigade 2 days to get the wreck out of the water because of the strong current under the ice. Their mistake was that they had loaded the car full of potatoes for Juliens potato eating contest. We didn't have a contest that year. Yes, it was sad...

DG: Hmm ok, did y....

Rolasieke: I like potatoes. Cooked potatoes are good for thirst, they absorbe water. The roman empire collapsed, they didn't eat potatoes. My husband prefered rice. He always did look a bit Chinese. I think it was because he refused to wear reading glasses so he had to squint his eyes. He worked in the lightbulb factory of mister Vangenechten. He was a good boss. At Christmas everbody got a free lightbulb! He stopped doing that once burglars broke in and stole the stock. The police never got the thieves. They checked all the houses. Officer Oscar came by sometimes, unannounced. He never found a lightbulb here. Except for the one mister Vangenechten gave us. Yes, officer Oscar, I always remember his brown mustache. It looked like the hairs of a broom! I can't imagine kissing him, oh no. A clean shaved face, that's the way a man should be. Of course I couldn't tell him that. He was known for his lack of humour. I like jokes. Do you like jokes?

DG: I suppose s....

Rosalieke: A book just fell on my head.....I only have my shelf to blame. Hehehe.

DG: Ha ha. That is pretty g...

Rosalieke: Why did the scarecrow get a promotion? Because he was outstanding in his field! Hehe, ha, hehe

DG: Ah, I get it

Rosalieke: My father also loved jokes. But when he played cards, he was dead serious. It was all about money you see. He played with four others in the bar of Mariette. She was a strong woman. Not afraid to throw a man out if he caused trouble. Father lost more money then he earned there. He and his four card friends all worked in the lightbulb factory too, like most people in town. Mister Vangenechtens father was in charge then, Renée. He was not as friendly as his son. He looked down on people. Father swore he someday would own some of Renées fortune. No, he couldn't stand him. Renée owned the first car in town. Of course, working people like us weren't allowed to touch it.

DG: Hmm, do you think your father was behind the burgla.....

Rosalieke: We did never own a car. I still don't. You can get anywhere by foot, you just have to leave home early. That is my opinion. Today, most people think different. In my time of course, owning a car was really special. Sometimes they organised competitions with cars against horses. To see which was the fastest and most powerfull. In the beginning the horses won. They didn't have cars like they do now. When mister Diercks and Rombauts crashed their automobiles together the whole town talked about it for weeks. Mariette warned them not to drink and drive. They learned their lessons the hard way. Alcohol isn't good for you. The only and last time I got drunk was on new year's eve when I was 16. Mariette already owned the bar by then. I got so wasted I hanged from the chandelier and took all of my clothe.....

DG: Rosalieke, I think I have enough now. Thank you for this conversation!

Rosalieke: Who is this? Is this a virus from those Youtube ads?

DG: Ok, 'Till next time, take care! Bye.

So, there you have it. I'm sure she will spend the money wisely.

Boudewijn De Groot is singer who has made countless songs, but "Verdronken Vlinder" is the one that has always struck a chord for me. Verdonken Vlinder means Drowned Butterfly, and the lyrics are simply beautiful in this one, it's pure poetry. For once, I will post the lyrics but will not provide an English translation because I am too lazy, but even then I think you can enjoy the song just by it's melody. The quality of the upload isn't very clear because it comes from an older live version filmed with a handycam, still, you should take a listen.

Verdronken Vlinder:

Zo te sterven op het water met je vleugels van papier
Zo maar drijven, na het vliegen in de wolken drijf je hier
Met je kleuren die vervagen
Zonder zoeken zonder vragen
Eindelijk voor altijd rusten
En de bloemen die je kuste
Geuren die je hebt geweten
Alles kan je nu vergeten
Op het water wieg je heen en weer
Zo te sterven op het water met je vleugels van papier

Als een vlinder die toch vliegen kan tot in de blauwe lucht
Als een vlinder altijd vrij en voor het leven op de vlucht
Wil ik sterven op het water
Maar dat is een zorg van later
Ik wil nu als vlinder vliegen
Op de bloemen, blaren vliegen
Maar zo hoog kan ik niet komen
Dus ik vlieg maar in mijn dromen
Altijd ben ik voor het leven op de vlucht
Als een vlinder die toch vliegen kan tot in de blauwe lucht

Om te leven dacht ik je zou een vlinder moeten zijn
Om te vliegen heel ver weg van alle leven, alle pijn
Maar ik heb niet langer hinder van jaloers zijn op een vlinder
Als zelfs vlinders moeten sterven laat ik niet mijn vreugd bederven
Ik kan zonder vliegen leven
Wat zou ik nog langer geven
Om een vlinder die verdronken is in mei
Om te leven hoef ik echt geen vlinder meer te zijn

And now just shut up and enjoy:

Also check out this awesome remix of Bryan Ferry's Don't Stop The Dance by Todd Terje: