maandag 14 juli 2014

Battle in Motion

Has everyone taken a seat? Good, now, let's first clear things up. There was some confusion regarding my timelapse video I made the last time. I recieved a letter from Wendy Vandeputte uit Poelkapelle with the urgent question if the end of the cosmos is near with the earth being slowly sucked up by a supermassive black hole and thereby spinning our homeplanet out of control. Wendy, I can assure you this is not the case and the real deal is simple to explain. It's easy to understand that it looks like the earth's orbit is going bonkers, but the scenes in my timelapse video where simply sped up by myself, in some cases even by 64 times! It makes for a strange effect but it's purely an illusion I achieved with editing and is nothing to worry about so don't invest in a bunker and canned beef, you can just continue with your daily life.

Ok, moving on. Recently I was cycling to work way to early to be humane (it was a bit after 05.00) and the most beautiful rainbow appeared. The beginning or end had formed straight in front of me in the direction I was heading (I follow a long straight road next to a train track) and followed a complete bow back to the horizon as far as I could see. This, coupled with the coloured sky in preperation of the sunrise about to commence was a real spectacle. I was kind of bummed I didn't have my camera on me but it's captured in my mind at least. The strange thing is I seemed to be the only one to stare at the sight. Other people where looking into the nothingness in front of their stearing handles like a lama staring at a math exam or just looking down like they were thinking: "No, I refuse to look up, these damn colours hurt my eyes. Turn off the sun please. There ain't no pot of gold anyway. Don't bother me rainbow." Of course, it could be that one of my brainhalfs was still in the dreamworld of earlier that morning and there really was nothing there. If so, it must have looked like I was hallucinating. I don't really know those persons so it's not much of a problem.

Since I don't have a pic I tried to make a drawing in ms paint to the best of my abilities to give you an idea of the situation:

Sadly I will never experience something like this again on that bicycle because this weekend some jackass stole it. I've been peeking around with a magnifying glass looking for clues to find the thief but so far without results....

On a brighter note.... I'm participating in a competition!

ArtTube, the organisation behind it asked people to make a video, of 1 minute max, about the creation of art. My idea was to make something about the animations I did (you can find them in earlier posts). In the competition rules though it's stated that the story in your video was also allowed to be fictional as long as the subject, the art, was real. So then I came up with the idea to use my little cousin Sylke as my subject, as if she was making the animations.

And what do you know, today I got an email of them saying I made it in the top 10 selection! This means I'm invited to Museum Boijmans in Rotterdam for a free course in movie making and the award ceremony afterwards. I'd say that's pretty rad!!

The winner snatches €1000. ArtTube posted all of the submissions on their website and I have to say, I'm being outclassed technically and on originality so I'm not going to win this, but it was fun to make and I'm amoung the 10 best with an invitation to the event so that's alright. You can watch it just below:


Let's just chill for now with Jonathan Jeremiahs Happiness. He's a fellow from the UK. Don't be fooled when listening, he starts singing, but only around the half way point in the track. Close your eyes and get hit by the summer breeze.

And now just shut up and enjoy

                                Jonathan Jeremiah - Happiness (Quiet Village remix)

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