dinsdag 26 augustus 2014

Ass & Bass

I went clubbing the other night. Knowing you guys, to be clear, it wasn't anything involving baby seals but everything involving a discotheque. Years have passed since I set foot in such a place so I was a bit out of the loop regarding dresscodes. Big tip: they don't like crocks.
Once inside with the right kind of footwear, the fun began. Just doing your thing and enjoy yourself and of course, checking people out. Some people were a bit very energetic and pumped. When some girls started twerking (not aimed at me....) I bursted out laughing. There's nothing wrong with twerking, it's sexy, but this act was hilarious to me. The whole "LOOK AT MY ASS! LOOK AT MEEE! HAVE YOU SEEN MY ASS GOING UP AND DOWN??". In an attempt to mingle with the crowd I got whipped in the face several times by long hair flailing around. But no pain, no gain right? All in all, it was a fun night.
There was this one song they played a few times that night and granted, it gets the crowd going. You'll get the link below, don't worry.

Ghost in the house!

Light and dark

Doodling time at work again....

At home it developed into this:

Oh and regarding the 50 youtube subscribers, you can earn 50 euro!! All you have to do is send a drawing about Dropping Gems (this blog you know) to the following email adress: yannickv@hotmail.be
To give everyone, young and old, a fair chance an innocent hand will pick the winner. Naturally, the winning drawing will be posted in a future blogpost, maybe with a bit of information about yourself. 

But now let's draw to a close, Revolution by R3hab and co is a pure partyblaster and don't deny it. Ladies and gentlemen, start your twerking!

And now just shut up and enjoy.

                                    R3hab & NERVO & Ummet Ozcan - Revolution

vrijdag 8 augustus 2014

Double Down

Small update: Aaaaaaaaw yeaaaaaaaaahhhhh! The youtube channel hit 50 subscribers.

Granted, this doesn't mean a whole lot cause this blog and the YT channel are seperate things in general. Still, with some videos clocking in a few thousand views, even up to 20.000, it is bound that some fools will be tricked into clicking on...uh, I mean, some people looking for valuable literature, will click on the bloglink.
What this means is that every day an internet traffic jam comes my way on a scale they only experienced in Bangkok until now. Why the last 25 subs came so much faster than the first 25, no idea, but handing out flyers while swinging a huge bell on the streets of Turnhout must have done the trick.

I'm planning to create a form of contest like last time, but I've not decided yet what it'll be exactly. You'll hear about it in the near future.

You know, I like to listen to movie soundtracks from time to time and whenever something of Georgy Sviridov comes by, I get the feeling they don't make soundtracks like he did anymore. Just the same with Ennio Morricone. These gentlemen composed pieces of soundtrack where you can hear right away you're in for something special. What you'll hear now is what our Russian friend created for "Snowstorm", a film originating from his birth country.

And now just shut up and enjoy.

                                               Georgy Sviridov - Spring and Autumn

zaterdag 2 augustus 2014

A plain sight

What luck. Doctor Steve Brule has always been my mentor, a guiding light, and now I have learned he's into space too, just like me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogSLdqzOvcI

At work, there are moments when I have some time to spare. If I have a piece of paper at hand I'll try to doodle a bit and take the works home for further "development" if something seems fit for a better rendition

The second one looked like it could belong in my series of fantastical creatures so let's try to make it a full drawing now.

Cool, I wanted to make it look a bit Savana like with the grass turned yellow and orange by drought. 

This is pretty much how I had it in mind so far. The colouring of the creature itself started to worry me a bit though. I didn't want to use yellow and red on it or it would blend too much into the background, brownish would be too dull and green tints didn't look right in my head. I opted for blue then (again, like the other ones).

I'm still not sure if it fits really well, though I don't think it's really bad either. But I'd say camouflage is not it's strong point....

Great Multus Bicodulum:

Lives on the the plains of Estraldar. Eats mostly leaves and grass, but will occasionally feed on small mice and bunny-like animals. Uses it's tail to snatch prey out of their holes and strangle them, but is also used to impress females where it moves in wave patterns. Can live up to 85 years old and grow 2,5 meter high. Legend says that during a full moon, the tail end emits fluorecent colours that can hypnothise even man, causing a full erase of the entire memory. To date, there has not been evidence of such behaviour.

Pearl Jams Eddie Vedder has a voice you recognise immediatly, like all good singers should have. He made the soundtrack for the great movie Into The Wild a few years ago. Here's one of my favorites from the ost, Long Nights.

And now just shut up and enjoy.

                                                Eddie Vedder - Long Nights